
Refund Policy

We are completely confident in Your experience with Our Service. That is why We back this Service and its features with a powerful 7 day, 100% money back guarantee. Our Service works and it works very well! We guarantee You will not need a refund!

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee is NOT marketers trick to attract more sales!
We provide Our 7 day 100% money back guarantee to make You assured You can get back Your hard earned money if the service You purchased from Us is not the thing explained and described on Our site or there is complete difference between the stated service features and the actual ones!

When We WILL 100% Refund
If You run into any problems using the service We will assist You until it is fixed. We promise to provide full support! If the Service completely fails to operate or You provide evidences that Our Service does not do the described operations and/or does not contain the features we described, we WILL gladly refund 100% of Your sale price.

When we WILL NOT Refund
We will not give refunds to those people who only want to “try it out”, see how it looks or are unable to operate it correctly. We will not give refunds to people who purchased the Service by a mistake. We quite good explained on our sales page what the Service exactly does, for what it should be used and its exact features!

If you want a Refund
If the things gone that far that you want a refund, we kindly ask You to Contact Us first, before applying for a refund. If you’re having trouble, chances are high We’ve encountered Your problem in the past and We will be easily able to help You. Do not hesitate to Contact Us, most problems are very easy to fix.

We are sure You WILL LOVE our Service!